SPICE Chair, Ricci Hodgson and SPICE Vice Chair, Lucy Edwards ran a Safeguarding meeting today for all SPICE volunteers at the Slough Ice Arena.
Ricci started by thanking the volunteers for their ongoing support – ‘without our volunteers, SPICE would be unable to run every week and we really appreciate your fantastic support’
The main reason for calling the meeting was to discuss Safeguarding.
Ricci reinforced the SPICE safeguarding policy and the fact that “The action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.”
Ricci confirmed that Lucy Edwards is our safeguarding officer and that safeguarding children and young adults is every individual and every organisation’s legal responsibility.
Ricci finished up the meeting by giving some guidance on appropriate physical contact with our members. Whilst on the ice, we do have to support some of our members but we should take every care to minimise any physical contact with any member or sibling on the ice.
Jo Hodgson, SPICE secretary, noted who attended the meeting and a separate meeting will be scheduled for those volunteers who were unable to attend.
Attached is our latest policy. https://spiceskating.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/SPICE-Safeguarding-Policy_October-2021.pdf